The provisional program of ASim2024 is shown below.

conference overview is updated. Please chekck the PDF file

Technical tour on 8th Dec.
Backyard tour of KOBE SUMA SEA WORLD
The maximum number of participants is 20.
Participation in the tour will be closed on a first-come, first-served basis.
You can register for the technical tour through the registration site for the main conference (ConfTool).
Banquet on 9th Dec.
Banquet on 9th Dec. will be held at Sumiyoshi Taisha

Regular sessions

Instruction - Oral Presentation

The presenters prepare presentation file (PowerPoint recommended) in advance. Each presenter will have a total of 15 minutes: 11 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion.
Please submit your presentation file via Conftool by 8 December. You can find the place in "Your Submissions". Click "Upload File(s)" in the right column, and submit your file at "3rd file: pptx". Please name your file as "ID_YourName.pptx".
Presentations will be displayed on screen from the PCs in session room. Please consider the aspect of slide format as 16:9 to project on the screen clearly.
The staff at each session room will prepare files on the PC. Please make sure that your file have been properly downloaded before your session starts.

Instruction - Poster

Each poster presenter should bring their own poster and display it in the plenary hall.
The size should be A0 (841mm x 1189mm) or similar, and there is no particular template.
There will be a poster session on December 9th and 10th from 13:00 to 13:30. This is a great opportunity to explain your poster directly to visitors!